Ontario High schools

Simcoe Learning helps Ontario private high schools build and deliver courses and programs that meet Ministry of Education requirements and exceed student expectations. Find out how below.


Simcoe Learning helps private schools during the entire Ministry of Education inspection process. This includes creating required documents and training teachers and staff to complete the inspection successfully. 

The Ministry requires over 20 policy documents for the pre-inspection report. We create these documents for your school, ensuring each one follows the applicable policies. We review course material and teaching practices to confirm you are following Growing Success and all Ministry guidelines. This includes reviewing course outlines, lesson plans, student work, and more. 

Before your inspection, we can prepare your teachers and staff. Our workshops provide key knowledge and prepare your staff for inspection interviews through role plays and other training exercises. Contact us to find out how we can help you through your next Ministry of Education inspection.


The current transition to online learning means that students now expect private high schools to offer online credits. This creates challenges for schools that need to quickly adapt their current courses to the online environment. Simcoe Learning can help you deliver online courses that meet Ministry requirements and exceed student expectations.

We can build online courses for all high school credits, including synchronous or asynchronous versions on any platform. (We can also help you choose the platform if needed.)

Let us help you move your school online today. Contact us for more information or for a proposal and price for your online course development.


Great schools are always prepared, and we can help you feel confident you are following Ministry requirements and delivering the best possible programs.  We deliver professional development workshops and individual training. For example, we could train your administrative staff to submit OnSIS data. We could conduct workshops to help your teachers follow Growing Success. We are here to help your teachers and staff build knowledge and gain the skills to succeed. Contact us to discuss the workshops or training we could provide your school.